Document Type
The University is required by Louisiana statute to maintain an active Records Management program to ensure that vital records are identified and maintained. The Louisiana Office of the Secretary of State, Division of Archives (“State Archives”) has established policies and practices to assist state agencies in establishing and maintaining their Records Management programs.
Records relate to any form of media that is generated or received by Employees of the University and aligned to their duties. Records include Electronic Records, Education Records, and Health Records.
Records must be maintained and managed partly due to legal requirements. Further, there may be fiscal reasons for retaining Records (e.g., managing Records until an audit is completed). In the absence of legal and fiscal requirements, there may be administrative reasons that necessitate the maintenance and management of Records.
Records may be transferred to and maintained by the University Archives at the end of their useful administrative life due to their historical significance. All Records created by Employees who are appointed, established, or determined by the University are retained for as long as they are required to meet the legal, administrative, and operational requirements of the University, after which time they may be either destroyed or transferred to the University Archives. The final disposition (either destruction or transfer to the University Archives) of Records is carried out according to approved Records Retention Schedules.
Publication Date
Recommended Citation
Materials in this collection are for the use of University of Louisiana at Lafayette and the State of Louisiana per Louisiana State Statute (L.A. R.S. 44-410). To request information in regards to University of Louisiana at Lafayette's Records Management Program, please contact the University Records Management Officer at
Vice President of Administration and Finance
R2024-371_Financial_Services.pdf (123 kB)
Financial Services
R2024-371_Administrative_Services.pdf (111 kB)
Administrative Services / Payroll, AP, Bursar, AR and Data Collection, Data Entry Processing, Dept Cashiers
R2024-371_Env_Health_Safety_Risk_Mgmt.pdf (116 kB)
Office of Environmental Health and Safety / Risk Management
R2024-371_Purchasing_LaCarte_Travel.pdf (126 kB)
Office of Purchasing and LaCarte / Travel
R2024-371_Human_Resources.pdf (172 kB)
Human Resources
R2024-371_Operational_Review.pdf (61 kB)
Office of Operational Review
R2024-371_SPFAC.pdf (62 kB)
Sponsored Programs Finance Administration and Compliance (SPFAC)
R2024-371_Information_Technology.pdf (62 kB)
Office of Information Technology
R2024-371_Facilities_Management.pdf (169 kB)
Office of Facilities Management
R2024-371_Real_Estate_Transportation.pdf (417 kB)
Auxiliaries / Real Estate / Property Management, Farm Operations, Transportation Services
R2024-371_Professional_Continuing_Ed.pdf (114 kB)
Auxiliaries / Office of Professional and Continuing Education
R2024-371_Postal_Services.pdf (115 kB)
Postal Services
R2024-371_Retail_Bookstore.pdf (115 kB)
Auxiliaries / Retail / Bookstore, Printing Services, Postal Services, Cajun Card
R2024-371_Media_KRVS.pdf (58 kB)
Auxiliaries / Media / KRVS
R2024-371_Professional_Dev_MSTC.pdf (77 kB)
Auxiliaries / Professional Development / Continuing Education, Marine Survival Training Center
R2024-371_Campus_Food_Service.pdf (62 kB)
Auxiliaries / Campus Food Service
For Retention Schedules (SSARC 932) for individual departments within the division of the Office of the President, please see "Additional Files."